
Why cricket remains the ultimate stat and ball game

Statistical analysis in football is very popular these days, indeed it’s fashionable. Companies are paid to measure, quantify and predict everything about the game. It is an industry in itself. However, when it comes to the numbers game, football is late to the party that cricket has been drinking heavily at for a long, long […]
Four cricket generic

Let’s hear it for Subbuteo Cricket and ‘Owzthat!

As well as being an FSF-nominated football, sports and rock music writer, I’m also a novelist with 16 books to my name. When I do literary events, people often ask me how on earth I manage to sit for so many hours of every day, just making things up in my head and writing them […]

England’s thrashing lacks the sleazy glamour of a real low score

Tuesday’s loss to Sri Lanka by 219 runs was an ODI record defeat for England and, while some have seen this as a tiny bit humiliating, they still scored 132 runs. In the annals of international humiliation for England, or anyone else, that’s quite a high total. I have a confession to make. Perhaps perversely, […]

Where are your modern-day Randalls and Tufnells?

Where have all the characters and entertainers gone? When Kevin Pietersen said this week that “I really struggle to see entertainers, they’re lacking in the game,” Virat Kohli aside, “pure entertainers and superstars are not in the game and that’s a big worry,” he addressed an important issue. He could be talking about any sport […]